Michela Puddu's invisible magnetic oil tags was widely featured in public media

Michela Puddu's paper about magnetically recoverable invisible oil tags was featured amongst others in Tagesanzeiger (the 2nd most read daily newspaper of Switzerland), The Guardian (GB), La Stampa (IT) and many more online news platforms and tech blogs.

Oil tags
Magnetically recoverable and invisible oil tags

Newspaper articles:

Publication reference:

M. Puddu, D. Paunescu, W. J. Stark, R. N. Grass, Magnetically Recoverable, Thermostable, Hydrophobic DNA/Silica Encapsulates and their Application as Invisible Oil Tags, ACS Nano, 8(3), 2677-2685 (2014)
DOI: external page10.1021/nn4063853

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